

5 Minutes of Self Love- My Best Self

Sometimes things are not exactly how we want them to be, however in reality this turnmoil with our current circumstances is nothing more than running from one side of the brain to the other. In this episode we stop running around and we focus our thoughts and intentions in being present as we work on designing our best experience.



The Affirmation Tape- Side A

Improve your live one positive thought at a time, wether you want to be organized, creative or simply put, truly the best version of yourself. Affirmations are for you. On Today’s 5 minutes of Self-Love, a MabsArts produced podcast. We have a special edition, The Affirmation Tape- Side A, join us as we dive deep into an episode of affirmations, no hussle, no russle, no context, just affirmations.



5 Minutes of Self-Love (Storms)

Start the week off right with some affirmations to align you with your highest self.
